100 + Most Used Visual Studio Shortcut Keys, VS Code Cheat Sheet [PDF]

This article is about List of Visual Studio Shortcut Keys: Visual Studio Code also known as VS Code is the most popular code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. With support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, VS Code is designed to be lightweight and customizable. VS Code has many features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging, Git integration, and extensions that can be installed to add additional functionality.

Visual Studio Shortcut Keys

Here we have provided the complete list of Visual Studio Shortcut Keys [VS Code Shortcut Keys], These shortcut keys allow developers to work more efficiently, Productivity, Familiarity, and Accessibility by performing common tasks quickly. Let’s take a look at the list of Visual Studio Shortcut Keys, also you can find here the Visual Studio Shortcut Keys PDF for download.

VS Code General Shortcuts Keys

Ctrl-X or Shift-DeleteCut the selected text or lines and remove them from the current location.
Ctrl-C or Ctrl-InsertCopy the selected text or lines to the clipboard, without removing them from the current location.
Ctrl-V or Shift-InsertPastes the item in the clipboard at the cursor (with selection in clipboard).
Alt-Right ArrowGo forward in the web browser history
Ctrl-Z or Alt-BackspaceUndo previous editing action
Ctrl-Y or Ctrl-Shift-ZRedo the previous undo action
Ctrl-/Pastes the item in the clipboard at the cursor (with selection in the clipboard).
Ctrl-Shift-F12Moves to the next task in the TaskList window
Ctrl-Shift-8Moves backward in the browse history
Alt-Left ArrowGo back in the web browser history
Ctrl-SSaves the selected files in the current project (usually the file that is being edited)
Ctrl-Shift-SSaves all documents and projects
Ctrl-PDisplays the Print dialog
F7Switches from the design view to the code view in the editor
Shift-F7Switches from the code view to the design view in the editor
F8Moves the cursor to the next item, for example in the TaskList window or Find Results window
Ctrl-Shift-V or Ctrl-Shift-InsertPastes an item from the clipboard ring tab of the Toolbox at the cursor in the file and automatically selects the pasted item.
Ctrl + . or Shift+Alt+F10Opens smart tag and resolves a wide array of suggested code refactorings
EscCloses a menu or dialog, cancels an operation in progress
Shift-F8Moves the cursor to the previous item
Shift-F12Finds a reference to the selected item or the item under the cursor.
Ctrl-Shift-GOpens the file whose name is under the cursor or is currently selected

VS Code Project Related Shortcut Keys

Ctrl-Shift-BBuilds the solution
Ctrl-Shift-ODisplays the Open Project dialog
Shift-Alt-ADisplays the Add Existing Item dialog
Ctrl-Shift-ADisplays the Add New Item dialog
Ctrl-Alt-InsertAllows you to override base class methods in a derived class when an overridable method is highlighted in the Class View pane
Ctrl-NDisplays the New File dialog.
Ctrl-Shift-NDisplays the New Project dialog
Ctrl-ODisplays the Open File dialog

VS Code Window Manipulation Shortcut Keys

Shift-Alt-EnterToggles full screen mode
Ctrl-+Goes back to the previous location in the navigation history.
Ctrl-Shift-+Moves forward in the navigation history
Ctrl-F4Closes the current MDI child window
F6Moves to the next pane of a split pane view of a single document
Shift-F6Moves to the previous pane of a document in split pane view
Toggles full-screen modeMoves to the next tab in the document or windows
Shift-EscCloses the current tool window
Ctrl-F2Moves the cursor to the navigation bar at the top of a code view
Ctrl-TabCycles through the MDI child windows one window at a time
Ctrl-F6,Ctrl-Shift-TabMoves to the previous MDI child window
Alt-F6,Ctrl-Shift-F6Moves to the next tool window
Shift-Alt-F6Moves to the previously selected window
Ctrl-PageUpMoves to the previous tab in the document or window

VS Code Control Editor Shortcut Keys

Ctrl-Down ArrowMoves the selected control down in increments of one on the design surface
Down ArrowMoves the selected control down to the next grid position on the design surface
Ctrl-Left ArrowMoves the control to the left in increments of one on the design surface
Ctrl-Shift-Right ArrowIncreases the width of the control in increments of one on the design surface
Shift-Left ArrowIncreases the width of the control to the next grid position on the design surface
Right ArrowMoves the control to the right into the next grid position on the design surface
Ctrl-Up ArrowMoves the control up in increments of one on the design surface
Up ArrowMoves the control up into the next grid position on the design surface
Ctrl-Shift-Up ArrowDecreases the height of the control in increments of one on the design surface
Left ArrowMoves the control to the left to the next grid position on the design surface
Ctrl-Right ArrowMoves the control to the right in increments of one on the design surface
TabMoves to the next control in the tab order
Shift-TabMoves to the previous control in the tab order
Ctrl-Shift-Down ArrowIncreases the height of the control in increments of one on the design surface
Shift-Down ArrowIncreases the height of the control to the next grid position on the design surface
Ctrl-Shift-Left ArrowReduces the width of the control in increments of one on the design surface
Shift-Left ArrowReduces the width of the control to the next grid position on the design surface
Shift-Up ArrowDecreases the height of the control to the next grid position on the design surface

VS Code Shortcut Keys for Search and Replace

Ctrl-FDisplays the Find dialog
Ctrl-Shift-FDisplays the Find in Files dialog
F3Finds the next occurrence of the previous search text
Alt-F3, SHalts the current Find in Files operation
Alt-F3, BSelects or clears the Search Up option for Find and Replace operations
Alt-F3, WSelects or clears the Match Whole Word option for Find and Replace operations
Alt-F3, PSelects or clears the Wildcard option for Find and Replace operations
Ctrl-F3Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text or the word under the cursor if there is no selection
Shift-F3Finds the previous occurrence of the search text
Ctrl-Shift-F3Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text or the word under the cursor
Ctrl-DPlace the cursor in the Find/Command line on the Standard toolbar
Alt-F3, HSelects or clears the Search Hidden Text option for the Find dialog
Alt-F3, CSelects or clears the Match Case option for Find and Replace operations
Alt-F3, RSelects or clears the Regular Expression option
Ctrl-HDisplays the Replace dialog
Ctrl-Shift-HDisplays the Replace in Files dialog
Ctrl-Shift-IPerforms an incremental search in the reverse direction

VS Code Shortcut Keys for Debugging

F5Start debugging
F9Toggle breakpoint
F10Step over
F11Step into
Shift+F11Step out
Shift+F5Stop debugging
Ctrl+Shift+F5Restart debugging
Ctrl+Shift+YDebug console
Ctrl+K Ctrl+IShow hover information
Ctrl+Shift+DOpen debug pane
Ctrl+Shift+F9Remove all breakpoints
F12Go to definition
Alt+F9Run to cursor
Alt+F5Restart debugging
Ctrl+Shift+F10Debug Console

VS Code Text Navigation Shortcut Keys

Left ArrowMoves the cursor one character to the left
Page UpScrolls up one screen in the editor window
EndMoves the cursor to the end of the current line
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-Down ArrowScrolls text down one line but does not move the cursor
Ctrl-Up ArrowScrolls text up one line but does not move the cursor
Right ArrowMoves the cursor one character to the right
Down ArrowMoves the cursor down one line
Up ArrowMoves the cursor up one line
Page DownScrolls down one screen in the editor window
Ctrl-Right ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl-Left ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl-EndMoves the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl-HomeMoves the cursor to the start of the document
Ctrl-GDisplays the Go to Line dialog (If the debugger is running, the dialog lets you specify addresses or function names to go to.)
Ctrl-]Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the document (If the cursor is on an opening brace, it will move to the corresponding closing brace and vice versa.)
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-NMoves to the next bookmark in the document
Ctrl-Shift-1Navigates to the next definition, declaration, or reference of an item. Available in the object browser and Class View window.
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-PMoves to the previous bookmark
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-IDisplays Quick Info, based on the current language
Ctrl-Shift-2Navigates to the previous definition, declaration, or reference of an item

VS Code Text Manipulation Shortcut Keys

EnterInserts a new line
Backspaceor or Shift-BackspaceDeletes one character to the left of the cursor
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-CMarks the current line or selected lines of code as a comment, using the correct comment syntax for the programming language
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-URemoves the comment syntax from the current line or currently selected lines of code
Ctrl-TorShift-EnterSwaps the characters on either side of the cursor.
DeleteDeletes one character to the right of the cursor
InsertToggles between insert and overtype insertion modes
TabIndents the currently selected line or lines by one tab stop. If there is no selection, this inserts a tab stop
Shift-TabMoves current line or selected lines one tab stop to the left
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-LRemoves all unnamed bookmarks in the current document
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-OAutomatically determines logical boundaries for creating regions in code, such as procedures, and then hides them. This collapses all such regions in the current document
Alt-Right Arrowor or Ctrl-SpacebarDisplays statement completion based on the current language or autocompletes word if existing text unambiguously identifies a single symbol
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-\Removes horizontal whitespace in the selection or deletes whitespace adjacent to the cursor if there is no selection
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-FApplies the indenting and space formatting for the language as specified on the Formatting pane of the language in the Text Editor section of the Options dialog to the selected text.
Ctrl-Shift-SpacebarDisplays a tooltip that contains information for the current parameter, based on the current language
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-URemoves the outlining information for the currently selected region
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-PRemoves all outlining information from the entire document
Ctrl-R, Ctrl-PSwaps the anchor and endpoint of the current selection
Ctrl-Shift-EnterInserts a blank line below the cursor
Shift-Alt-TMoves the line containing the cursor below the next line
Ctrl-JLists members for statement completion when editing code
Ctrl-UChanges the selected text to lowercase characters
Ctrl-Shift-UChanges the selected text to uppercase characters
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-LToggles all previously marked hidden text sections between hidden and display states
Ctrl-LCuts all selected lines or the current line if nothing has been selected to the clipboard
Ctrl-Shift-LDeletes all selected lines or the current line if no selection has been made
Ctrl-EnterInserts a blank line above the cursor
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-KSets or removes a bookmark at the current line
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-MToggles the currently selected hidden text section or the section containing the cursor if there is no selection between the hidden and display states
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-HSets or removes a shortcut in the tasklist to the current line
Ctrl-R, Ctrl-REnables or disables word wrap in an editor
Ctrl-R, Ctrl-WShows or hides spaces and tab marks
Ctrl-DeleteDeletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-BackspaceDeletes the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl-Shift-TTransposes the two words that follow the cursor
Ctrl-.[dot]Swap the characters on either side of the cursor.

VS Code Text Selection Shortcut Keys

Shift-Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the right one character, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the right one character, extending the column selection
Ctrl-Shift-EndMoves the cursor to the end of the document, extending the selection
Shift-Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the right of one character, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the left one character, extending the column selection
Ctrl-Shift-HomeMoves the cursor to the start of the document, extending the selection
Ctrl-Shift-]Moves the cursor to the next brace, extending the selection
Ctrl-ASelects everything in the current document
Ctrl-WSelects the word containing the cursor or the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-=Selects from the current location in the editor back to the previous location in the navigation history
Shift-Down ArrowMoves the cursor down one line, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-Down ArrowMoves the cursor down one line, extending the column selection
Shift-EndMoves the cursor to the end of the current line, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-EndMoves the cursor to the end of the line, extending the column selection
Shift-HomeMoves the cursor to the start of the line, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-HomeMoves the cursor to the start of the line, extending the column selection
Shift-Up ArrowMoves the cursor up one line, extending the selection
Shift-Alt-Up ArrowMoves the cursor up one line, extending the column selection
Shift-Page DownExtends selection down one page
Ctrl-Shift-Left ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the left, extending the selection
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the right of one word, extending the column selection
Shift-Page UpExtends selection up one page
Ctrl-Shift-Page DownMoves the cursor to the last line in view, extending the selection
Ctrl-Shift-Page UpMoves the cursor to the top of the current window, extending the selection
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the left of one character, extending the selection

VS Code Shortcut Keys for Help

Ctrl-Alt-F1Displays the Contents window for the documentation
Ctrl-F1Displays the Dynamic Help window
Ctrl-Alt-F3Displays the Search window
Shift-Alt-F3Displays the Search Results window
Ctrl-Alt-F2Displays the Help Index window
Shift-Alt-F2Displays the Index Results window
Alt-Down ArrowDisplays the next topic in the table of contents
F1Displays a topic from Help that corresponds to the part of the user interface that currently has the focus
Alt-Up ArrowDisplays the previous topic in the table of contents (Available only in the Help browser window)
Shift-F1Displays a topic from Help that corresponds to the user interface item that has the focus

Knowing Visual Studio Shortcut Keys (VS Code shortcut keys) is important for many reasons, Visual Studio shortcut keys help us to accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently than using the mouse to navigate through menus. It helps us to increase productivity, better coding experience, less physical stress, consistency, easier memorization, etc. Overall, using Visual Studio shortcut keys can improve our productivity and make coding more enjoyable.

Here we have provided the Visual Studio Shortcut Keys PDF, you can get this PDF file by clicking on the download button below.

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